Take good care of yourself with these winter health tips
Winter time is one that, sadly, brings along a lot of illnesses. It’s the flu season right now and on top of this there’s a very real chance of catching Covid-19, even if you’re vaccinated.
What’s more, coughs and sneezes are more common on public transport, in offices, classrooms and even just at home. And with people seeking to cut their energy usage due to high energy prices, it’s perhaps harder than ever to keep warm and bug-free this winter.
However, help is on hand. The best thing you can do to avoid being ill this winter is to be proactive, and if you still suffer from a cold or a sniffle then to be prepared.
There’s still no cure for the common cold and perhaps there never will be. But we can all be ready for what’s to come this winter and make sure we’re not caught out when that runny nose or sore throat comes along.
So, here at take good care we’ve come up with a few personal care tips to help you through the winter. They range from preparation to mental wellbeing, and are all designed to help you through the chilly months to come…
take good care this winter
Remember, you can never guarantee that you won’t get ill over the winter period. Sadly there are just too many bugs doing the rounds, and you might be unlucky and get a particularly bad cold, or the flu. So here are ways to take care of yourself before, during and after illness…
Eat healthily
It may sound simple but a healthy diet is the best way to improving your body’s immune system and fighting off winter bugs. And healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring either. You can eat the rainbow and get all the vitamins and nutrients you need for a strong, healthy body, while also being able to substitute out the things you don’t like.
Begin mindfulness
A healthy mind won’t necessarily stop you from getting ill, but it will help your recovery and keep you in a positive mindset. Many people say they feel run-down when they’re ill, and struggle to recover from a cold or the flu for days and days. But with a strong mindset you can recover faster and get on with your life.
Mindfulness activities are the best way to get to know body, as well as your emotions. You’ll soon realise what stresses and anxieties you need to address, and the best ways to wind down and relax. A simple book like Everyday Self Care can set you on this journey.
Take vitamins
Some people can’t get everything they need from a planned diet because of allergies or other barriers within specific foods. That’s why we at take good care have created some vegan-friendly vitamins and supplements, so your body can get the goodness it needs to fight off colds and viruses.
All our vitamins are plant based and vegan friendly, and contain no nasties whatsoever. Our packs come with an online discount, and range from vegan multi vitamins to Montmorency cherry supplements to help you improve your sleep.
Sleep better
Talking of sleep, did you know sleep can help your immune system fight off flu and viruses? That’s because sleep is an essential way for your immune system to focus on the intruders in your body, and flush them out. Better sleep means no screens in bed, getting to bed early and creating a night-time routine. Read our How Important Is Sleep blog for more advice on getting the best night’s kip possible.
Stay clean
Washing your hands wasn’t just an instruction to adhere to during Covid-19. In fact, regularly washing your hands is the best way to stop germs and viruses spreading at any time of year. Influenza relies on people coughing and wiping the virus all over the place, so washing your hands is important to keeping germ-free.
Warm water, eco-friendly soap and a soft towel is all you need.
Want to learn more tips about physical and mental wellbeing? Check out our lifestyle blog for the latest advice on how to stay healthy, as well as updates on what’s next for take good care and Barbara!
Much love
+ all of the takegoodcare. team
Take Good Care (TGC) is a well-being lifestyle brand that helps you to focus on you! Self-care is an important process that enables you to replenish your mental and physical resources so that you can keep on giving to others and yourself. We have carefully sourced and developed a range of quality products and informative articles to aid your well-being journey.
Any information provided by us is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. We always recommend referring your health queries to a qualified medical practitioner.
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